Source Data

Authors are required to submit their original blots. Any figure (including supplemental figures) that contains blots will have a corresponding source data file.

1) These file types will be PDFs.

2) Source data files will not be numbered sequentially. Their number will match the number of the corresponding figure and will be preceded by "F." File naming will be

·         JXX_2021XXXX_SourceDataF#.pdf

·         JXX_2021XXXXX_SourceDataFS#.pdf


3) Source data will be treated like external supplemental files (like supp tables and datasets), except with a lower profile.

a) A sentence should be inserted at the end of the corresponding figure’s legend. The wording should always be "Source data are available for this figure: SourceData F#" and the citation should be linked. Source data will not be cited anywhere else in the text.

b) Source data must have a caption, like supp tables and datasets do, for the link that downloads the file. The caption should be

·         SourceData F# contains original blots for Fig. #.”

·         SourceData FS# contains original blots for Fig. S#.”

  c) Source data should not be mentioned in the Online supplemental materials section.

         d) There will be no mention of the source data at the end of the PDF, under a "Supplemental material" heading, as there is with datasets and supp tables.


4) JPS: Source data files will travel with all other files throughout the workflow, just as supp table and dataset files do. If the file needs to be swapped out after the article is in PFX, follow the regular procedure (graphics change, R in file name).

5) PFX: Source data titles will appear in the Supplement tab, like supp tables and datasets do.


Source data required in PDF format at resubmission. File type: Figure Source Data


Indicates which figure the source data correspond to (e.g., SourceDataF#, SourceDataFS#)


1.   Managing Editor

Passes manuscript through Initial QC

Sends chaser email if author does not provide source data


2.   Scientific Editor (SE)

Checks files in Awaiting Academic Editor Assignment folder to determine if source data are okay

Checks that all original blots have been included and are labeled

a)   If SE needs new source data files, the SE will click 'Return Manuscript to Author for Corrections' under Advanced Tasks menu

b)  When the link is clicked, the SE will see an email template that they can modify before sending to the author

c)   When the 'Send' button is clicked, the manuscript will move back to the author's desktop and the manuscript number will appear with a temporary 'CORRECTION' tag

d)  When the author submits the modifications, the 'CORRECTION' tag will disappear, the SE will receive a notification, and the manuscript will move back to AAEA


3.   Managing Editor

Renumbers files if needed to reflect corresponding figure numbers (if source data are erroneously numbered sequentially)

If source data for individual figures were submitted as multiple files (i.e., a different PDF for every figure panel rather than one PDF for the entire figure), merges those PDFs into one

Exports the source data PDF files to JPS




Source data not sent to TnQ for initial screening of figures


Preflight editor

If ms requires preflight review, source data should be checked for improper manipulation

Ask authors for higher resolution TIFFs if PDF is not of sufficient quality

If ms skips preflight, source data are not reviewed

Upload the PDFs for production

Do not include in Combined Figure PDF



Copy editor

Copy editors will not vet the source data files themselves

Not included in Combined Figure PDF

Source data files will be listed in copy editor’s coversheet (generated from EJP metadata)

In Word file, inserts

a)       sentence and link to end of corresponding figure legend

b)      caption for online


Production Editor

Sends source data files to TNQ at Copyediting task

Checks that all source data files are mentioned in the proof

Checks that source data appear in the supplements tab in the online author proof



Source data appear in the online article

a)       in the Supplements widget in split view

b)      at the bottom of article, with a link to download the file

c)       at the end of the corresponding figure legend, with a link to download the file