YouTube videos in Articles

If the need arises, you can add a video hosted on YouTube into the XML of an article. Make sure you update the SCJATS to the latest version if adding to a previously published article. Copy the link from the YouTube “Share” option.

This is tagging that works as of 10/17/2022, use in the body of the article and it will appear in the Data & Figures tab:

<fig id="abstract_video1" fig-type="video">
<label>Video 1</label>
<p>Identifying the molecular target sites for CFTR potentiators GLPG1837 and VX-770, blah, blah, blah.</p>
<media content-type="youtube" xlink:href=""/>

If needed as a Video Abstract, place it after the main abstract section, it will not appear in the Data & Figures tab:



<fig id="abstract_video1" fig-type="video">

<label>Video 1</label>

<caption><p>Identifying the molecular target sites for CFTR potentiators GLPG1837 and VX-770, blah, blah, blah.</p></caption>

<media content-type="youtube" xlink:href=""/>


