LSA Covers

Images should be at least 300 DPI at cover size and always in RGB.

Delivery of cover files to Highwire by TNQ need to include the following:

Cover thumbnail: Entire cover saved as .tif at 200 dpi and 25% of actual cover size. This is used on the home page, TOC, eTOC, and archive. File naming: [jcode]_[vol]_[issue].cover.tif

Expanded cover: Full cover size, 300 dpi, .tif, to be used on cover expansion page (e.g., File naming: [jcode]_[vol]_[issue].coverfig.tif

Cover caption: plain text file (notepad) formatted with html. File naming: [jcode]_[vol]_[issue].covercaption.html


<p>ON THE COVER<br>HeLa cells expressing a mutant of SEPTIN7 that cannot be SUMOylated (green) are shown with the nucleus stained with DAPI (red). The image shows the abnormal bundling of septins after fusion of two daughter cells caused by cytokinesis failure. Image &#169; Ribet et al. 2017.<br>See page <a href="/cgi/content/short/216/12/4041">4041</a></p>

All of these files are included in the [jcode]_[vol]_[issue]