
Publisher Guidelines and Requirements


XML Publication Schedule & Reports

A Publication schedule should be provided to Clarivate at the beginning of each calendar year and whenever updates are made by the publisher.

A monthly manifest/report of delivered content is advised to ensure all content has been deposited as expected.


FTP Delivery Requirements

The XML FTP feed is the primary method for content delivery and indexing.


Deposit XML/PDF zip files. Required content in zip file deposit:

Article XML file with PDF that is the version of record, E-published and E-first (if applicable).

Include all document types; i.e., articles, reviews, editorials, letters, news items, corrections, table of contents, etc.

Note: The XML with PDF that is the first deposited will be considered the final version of record. Any further or duplicate deposits of the same file will be ignored.

o   If there is a correction to be made to the first file deposited, send it via a Data Correction form.

The following document types will not be indexed and may be omitted from the zip file:

o   Advertisements, author indexes, call events, papers, announcements

o   Editorial boards or masthead information

DTD/Schema Updates

Provide 30-day notice of DTD/Schema updates/changes to ensure timely indexing and avoid disruption during intake and processing. Provide the following:

a.   Updated DTD/Schema zip file or ‘link’ with Release Notes indicating specific changes

b.   Sample zip file deposits 

c.   Indication of the type of DTD (publishing or archive)

Journal Publication Changes

Provide 30-day notice for changes to covered journals

a.   Publisher; Journal Title; ISSN; Frequency

b.   Publication model; i.e., closed issue to continuous publication format

New Journal Additions

Add XML/PDF zip files for newly accepted journals in the production feed upon receipt of the Official Acceptance Letter.


Content Delivery Contact

Provide a contact and email address for claiming requests. Email requests will include the following details:

a.   Journal Title - ISSN

b.   Publisher of record

c.   Volume/Issue/Year

d.   Article name (if applicable)