Daily Publication FAQ

What is daily publication?

Since going online in 1997, RUP has been publishing articles online ahead of issue compilation. We have traditionally published articles in weekly Monday batches. Daily publication eliminates weekly batches and instead allows us to publish articles as soon as they are ready. Note that daily publication does not necessarily mean that articles *will* be published every day, but that articles *can* be published any day.

When are articles published?

Articles are usually published within 48 hours after authors return their corrected proofs. This can vary depending on the extent of requested changes. Publication date also depends on whether the article has a companion article or press coverage. See below for details. On publication day, the articles are usually posted before 10AM EST.

Are articles posted on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays?

Articles are not published on weekends or U.S. holidays.

When are articles deposited to PubMed Central?

Articles are delivered to PMC after complete issues are published. Unless the author has opted for Gold OA (immediate open access for a fee of $5,000), articles are made publically available six months after the issue date. Gold OA articles are made openly available on PMC as soon as PMC has completed their processing.

When are authors alerted to their publication date and when is the publication date known?

The publication date is determined and sent to all authors the day before their article is published.

What do I tell an author who asks for their publication date?

Unless you are the copy or production editor, it is best to direct the author to the copy editor for the most accurate information. In general, however, if the article is already scheduled for an issue then it is safe to tell the author the issue date, but you should add that the article will go online prior to that date, generally within 48 hours after proofs are returned (barring complications or press coverage). For articles with press coverage, there is generally a five-day “alert and prep” period between the day we determine the publication date (when proofs are finalized) and release.

What if an author mentions that their institution is planning a press release?

Pass this information on to Rory or Ben ASAP. They will determine whether a five-day ”alert and prep” period is necessary.

Are articles assigned to an issue prior to publication?

All articles are assigned to an issue prior to publication. The volume and issue information displays at the bottom left of PDFs and in the HTML article. Once an article is published, it cannot be moved to a different issue.

Are articles assigned to an issue before production begins?

Some articles are assigned to an issue on acceptance and delivery from editorial to production. The rest are assigned when the copy editor is assigned, often post-preflight.

What if an article has a companion article?

For true companion articles, i.e., research articles that cite one another, there are safety mechanisms in place to make sure they are published on the same day. This means that one may have to sit and wait before being assigned a publication date. For highlight relationships, e.g., Research News, Spotlight, or Insight to Article, there are safety mechanisms to prevent the highlight from being published prior to the research article. However, the research article can be published before the highlight is ready. As long as the research article is published, the highlight article will be published as soon as it is ready.