
When an article is resupplied and metadata has been changed from the original article (i.e., license type, funding, etc.), you need to trigger a resend to the OA Switchboard. After you update the metadata on the JPS Summary tab and after you publish the resupply, go to the Tasks tab in JPS and click "Advanced Manuscript Tasks." Then click "Send Updated Metadata to OAS."

1) Articles <5 years old:

a) Resupplies for articles published before December 5, 2019 (when we switched from HighWire to Silverchair) need to be handled internally. An outside contractor updated all of our articles to meet Silverchair's requirements. Thus, TNQ does not have the final files for those articles. You need to find the final files and then make the change yourself. Ask Camille or Rob to help you find the article; most articles have been uploaded and updated multiple times. Make sure you are using the current version of the article. Check the 2019-2020 Corrections and Resupplies list to see whether the article already had a resupply and then use that version to make further changes.

b) We left SJS at the very end of 2021. TNQ does not have files for articles that were published before January 2022. We need to make the change ourselves.

 2) Articles >5 years old: We will simply run a correction. If there are extreme circumstances that you or an editor feel warrant an update, please talk to Rob before proceeding. 

Update the JPS record with the corrected article XML (i.e., Silverchair XML). It's a good idea to create a sticky note in the JPS record explaining that the latest version of the XML is SC JATS and the second to last version is the JPS XML.

Log your resupply on the Corrections and Resupplies list and place the updated file on Dropbox at