Resupply of retracted article
When an article is retracted, "RETRACTED:" needs to be placed in front of the online article's title. Only the title in the XML needs to be updated with this. The PDF will get a retraction stamp, as detailed below.
Stamp and watermark
When we retract an article, it remains available to the public but is marked as retracted. We need to add a retraction watermark to the HTML and update the PDF with a stamp.
HTML Watermark (added Sep 6, 2023)
The HTML watermark is added via Google Tag Manager (GTM) as follows:
In GTM, go to Variables/Retracted Articles variable
Edit the RegEx table to include the retracted article's ol/issue page in the format "/jcb/article/146/4/791" and set the output as "True"
Save and publish
Note for the future: the format "/jcb/article/146/4/791" may need to change after a platform migration.
PDF Stamp
Files are available at Dropbox/Rockefeller University Press/Production/eProduction/MANUALS and Instructions/retracted stamp.
Update "retracted.PSD" with date.
Flatten and save as Photoshop PDF.
Open article PDF in Acrobat. Open the "Edit PDF" tool bar.
Select "Watermark" and then "Add."
In the window, import the retracted.pdf image you created (red arrow at File, browse to select). Then adjust the settings as in the image below.
Press OK. The retracted statement should now appear on all PDF pages.
Replace the original article PDF online; for articles older than December 2019, we will need to do this ourselves and update the archive. Please coordinate with Erinn or Camille.
Save. Send original article PDF to TNQ for replacement on the specified date the retraction will appear online (if the article is recent).
PMC handles retractions differently – they remove the PDF and stamp the HTML.
Special collections (added Sep 6, 2023)
When an article is retracted, check to see if it is included in any special collections and remove it if it is. You can easily check by looking at the article
Alert Google Scholar
Share the retracted article's URL in an email to There is no need to share the URL of the retraction notice.