Notes and How to


File sizes

You can try to reduce the size of source data files if the combined article package is too big.  Open the PDF in Acrobat and go to Tools/Optimize PDF. Click Advanced Optimization, and then in the upper right corner, click Audit Space Usage. If “Document Overhead” is huge, using the Optimizer, uncheck all of the options in the left column. Check only “Discard User Data” and to the right, “Discard private data of other applications.” See the screenshot below. Make sure to visually compare the two file versions to make sure they look the same - it's very important not to alter how source data look.  

Extracting images from Word file

1) Make a copy of the .docx file. Then rename the copy, changing the file extension from .docx to .zip.

2) Unzip the package. Image files will be found in word/media.

3) Open the .emf files in Illustrator. Export to create a .tif file, choosing grayscale as the color model if there is no color in the image. Anti-aliasing: None. Check off LZW Compression. If the image is RGB, check off Embed Profile.

Adding authors after article acceptance

The scientific editor must approve the change.

The manuscript editor then needs to 


MliFlow How to:

Handle text boxes in board member Editorials

Click here for a sample of how to structure the editorial board member text boxes, such as that in An example is given of the Word file and its resulting XML.

JPS/Proof Central How to:

Replace, add, and remove files while the article is in Proof Central

Add external supplemental files mid-workflow

If supplemental tables and datasets need to be added when the article is already in PFX, XML tagging needs to be added. If you add the supplement citations and upload the new files without editing the XML, it will cause a problem.

A link to the external file needs to be inserted. The existence of the link is what makes the external file appear in the Supplements widget in the online article.

The XML below is what links Table S1 and Table S2 to the article. It should be inserted directly above the <history>. You can find an example XML file here.

<supplementary-material id="sup1" content-type="data-supplement"


             <label>Table S1</label>


                 <p>lists datasets used in the bioinformatic analysis.</p>



         <supplementary-material id="sup2" content-type="data-supplement"


             <label>Table S2</label>


                 <p>lists the oligonucleotides used in this study.</p>



In Proof Central, submit with a graphics change. Even though this is the first version of the file, place the "R" in the file name if the article is past the author proof step. Upload a fake revised figure along with the supplemental file.

JPS How to:

Resend the release signal

Only do when the article is at the Awaiting Final XML step and you're certain that the release signal was not sent successfully/not received.