EJP Duplicate IP Check

To combat the rise of submissions from paper mills, RUP (and LSA) has implemented a check within EJP for duplicate submissions from the same IP. The addresses are checked across all RUP journals plus LSA. For LSA, EMBO submissions are also checked. When submissions for the same IP address are found, a sticky note will be generated on the newly submitted article(s) indicating the IP address and the impacted manuscript numbers. See example on right. 

The check looks back at submissions for a two-week period for RUP and one week for LSA. This configuration can be updated under
Configure Base system rapid

submission ip address sticky note lookback duration

submission ip address sticky note lookback interval

What to do if you see a duplicate IP sticky note

Manuscripts with such sticky notes should not pass the initial QC. The managing Editor returns the manuscript to the author requesting an institutional e-mail to be captured as a secondary email in their eJP profile and a link to their lab and/or institution website.


If/when the corresponding author provides institutional e-mail, the Managing Editor emails the author to explain the IP conflict and asks for an explanation.


If the author does not respond to either of the above within two weeks, the manuscript is withdrawn based on lack of response and returned to the author with a note that the submission has been withdrawn. Journals can optionally email the author again at 12 days, reminding them that the paper will be withdrawn within 2 days if they do not respond.


If we receive the requested information, we should perform a preflight of images before passing QC.


If OK, then the manuscript advances from QC.