Collaborative author groups

A collaborative author group is usually a large group of authors that is identified as a consortium. The consortium appears on the article's author list, but the individual members of the consortium do not. However, members of the consortium should be noted in both the PDF and XML.

See,, and for examples. 


Member names, if provided, should be included in the XML so that they can be listed in a collaborators section in the PubMed record. You can see an example here: The consortium, and any member names, must be included in the JPS record (click on the group name in the author list and enter members in the pop-up box). This will then be included in the articlemeta.xml file sent to TNQ, and the member names will be imported with the required tagging into the author list. This will result in the XML tagging noted below.

Members of each group should be provided inside a <contrib-group> node that is a child of the <collab> element. These contributing members are not treated as authors and will not appear in the by-line, but will be submitted to PubMed as investigators/collaborators. The tagging is as follows:


             <article-title>SARS-CoV-2&#x2013;related MIS-C: A key to the viral and genetic

                 causes of Kawasaki disease?</article-title>

             <alt-title alt-title-type="short">Rare IEIs in MIS-C and Kawasaki




<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">

                 <contrib-id authenticated="true" contrib-id-type="orcid"






<xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff1"/>

                 <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff2"/>

                 <xref ref-type="corresp" rid="cor2"/>


<contrib contrib-type="author">

                 <contrib-id authenticated="true" contrib-id-type="orcid"






<xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff3"/>


<contrib contrib-type="author"><collab>MIS-C@CHGE<contrib-group><contrib><name><surname>Haddad</surname><given-names>Elie</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Beland</surname><given-names>Kathie</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Pujol</surname><given-names>Aurora</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Schl&#x00FC;ter</surname><given-names>Agatha</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Planas-Serra</surname><given-names>Laura</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Aguilera-Albesa</surname><given-names>Sergio</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Valencia-Ramos</surname><given-names>Juan</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Rodr&#x00ED;guez-Palmero</surname><given-names>Agust&#x00ED;</given-names></name></contrib><contrib><name><surname>Gut</surname><given-names>Marta</given-names></name></contrib></contrib-group></collab>

                 <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff21"/>



The contrib-group members as tagged above will not display in the HTML article, but the footnote will - see below.


The full names of consortium members, when provided, must be included in the article. This can be done in various ways, depending on how long the member list is.

1) Always add an unnumbered footnote. The footnote needs to fit on the first page of the PDF.

a) If the member list isn't too long, provide the full name of each member.

b) If the list is rather long, abbreviate the first and middle names to fit the footnote on the first page of the PDF. 

c) If the member list is too long to fit on the first page even when first and middle initials are used, the footnote should simply point to the PDF: e.g., "ESID Registry Working Party and COVID Human Genetic Effort members are listed at the end of the PDF." 

2) If full member names are not given in the footnote, they must be listed at the end of the PDF.

3) If each member has their own separate affiliation, a list of the affiliations should be attached to the end of the PDF. Specify in the related footnote that "Affiliations are listed at the end of the PDF."