
Adding Missing videos for papers originally uploaded to HighWire pre-2020

If videos are missing from articles that were originally uploaded via HighWire's DSM you have to upload the missing videos as well as the newest version of the article's XML from the Archive (\Box\Journal Content Archives) to Glencoe's FTP (to parse folder). Give the videos and latest XML to Erinn (or Rob). They will then: 

1) Add the xref at the first mention (replace all X's with appropriate number, etc): 

<xref ref-type="fig" rid="videoX">Video X</xref>). 

2) Add the video legend after the closing paragraph tag (</p>) where the video is first mentioned (keep in order mentioned if there are other figures or videos in that paragraph), using this format: 

<fig fig-type="video" id="videoX" position="float"><object-id pub-id-type="doi">10.108X/jcb.201XXXXXXX.vX.mp4</object-id><label>Video X.</label><caption><p><bold>First line of legend.</bold> Rest of legend.</p></caption><alternatives><media content-type="glencoe" xlink:href=""/><media content-type="media-archive" xlink:href="JCB_201610039_V1.mp4"/></alternatives></fig>

3) Place the xml and video(s) into a zipped folder named as the date of upload and an extra letter so as not to conflict with anything that TNQ uploads (If the day is 10/30/2020, the name of the folder would be

4) Check Glencoe's Data in Press site to see if it recognized the videos. (The videos will appear in the article pretty quickly if everything was correct...)

(added on 11/2/2020)