E1 Workflow

Add description of eligibility check to main OAS page and link to the page

  1. Create an account for the funder in JPS using Add Person. If you do not have an actual person name, use "Admin" as the fist name and the funder name as the last name. Note that the last name as entered will appear on the onvpice cover letter.

  2. Once the person is added, search for the person by using the quick search (magnifying glass) and click on the name to get to the bio screen. Find the part of the URL that starts with 'bio_p_id' and grab the number:

3. Go to EJP and click into Configuration Tasks->Configure Base System-Rapid
a. Search for '
article pub charge organization list' to first add the label for the question
This is where you enter the org name as it should, appear on the dropdown menu, in the format [
username;Organization Name | ]
- The
username must be unique, so we use the username (log on name) as set up in the people database
- The
Organization Name is the name as it should appear on the dropdown menu. This will also be used as an author-facing name.
- Entries ms be separated by a "pipe" character (|)
- The entries will appear on the menu on the submission form (staff only tab) in the order listed in the config field. we should keep this alphabetized.
e.g., Funder1;Funder One | Institution1; Institution One
b. Then, again in Configuration Tasks->Configure Base System-Rapid, find '
jps export funding id to pid map' to enter the organization name and the PID you got from the URL in step 2. This is where the mapping occurs. You must enter the same unique username you entered above, plus the xpersin ID.
e.g., for the example in 3, you would enter: Funder1-2143 | Institution1-2153

4. Finally, go to the manuscript you'd like to edit, click 'Title' in ms details to get to the edit submission form page, click into the 'Open Access Options' tab, select the 'A third party will pay' option and select the desired funder.