Zipline Publication

Zipline is Silverchair's system for previewing and publishing articles and issues.


Articles are published daily, as they are ready. They can be scheduled for future issues; on Silverchair, multiple issues can be open simultaneously. Future issues have an "In Progress" status. Upon publication, the article will be listed in that issue's TOC and so cannot be moved into another issue at that point.

After TnQ receives an approval signal from JPS, TnQ will post the article package to Zipline overnight. The article must be released in JPS by 11 pm in order to be posted for publication the next day.

Sign in to Zipline ( and choose Packages at the top. There, you will see a list of zipped article packages uploaded by Sheridan Services (TnQ). You can ignore any orange and blue numbers in the Package Status column, but red numbers mean the upload failed.

Click on the Package ID number and then Preview to preview the staged article. Clicking on the File Name will download the full article package.

Issue publication:

A few days before issue publication, TnQ will post an issue metadata package named containing all of the issue assets: TOC and editorial board pdfs, cover image, and metadata XML file. Once posted, it automatically publishes, and the articles will be reordered according to the XML. However, the status of the issue will remain "In Progress."

On the day of issue publication, sign in to Zipline and choose Catalog/Journals. Click "Close Issue" to change the status of the issue to "Current Issue" and move it to the journal home page.