Preflight - skipped

Some articles in JPS skip preflight and image editing by default. In these cases, the copy or production editor needs to check the following:

Color profiles should be converted. For color figures to Adobe RGB 1998; for grayscale to Dot Gain 20%  (Edit->Convert to profile)

Trim any extraneous space and text from the image borders (Image->Trim)

File must be 8 bits (Image ->Mode)

Flatten all layers (Layer -> Flatten Image)

Delete all Alpha channels (Window->Channels)

Create Thumbnail image (80x80px @72 DPI .gif)

Choose a section of a figure that is visually interesting.

Select the crop tool

On the tool bar select custom and then make the size 80 px  x 80 px

Click the check mark on the tool bar

File/Save for web

Save with the following naming convention: JCB_201801022_thumb.gif

If article has no figures, use a plain white thumbnail (attached). Rename accordingly.

Size for resolution

Size for page

LZW Compression, IBM PC Byte Order

Rename to the proper naming convention

Preflight and Image Editing will be skipped for the following file types (JPS content type ID in parens):

·         Editorial (11)

·         Essay (55)

·         In Focus (33)

·         In memoriam (13)

·         Inside Look (57)

·         Insights (42)

·         People & Ideas (24)

·         Research News (47)

·         Spotlight (46)