Image Editing

Make sure you are using the correct version of the figures. If the article was preflighted, the files under the Author Supplied category in JPS are not the final, accepted versions. Always check with the preflight editors if you are not sure.


Illustrator: Keep embedded color profile. If you get font errors, compare against an EJP file to make sure nothing changed; find and replace the font with an appropriate font in the system. Make sure there are no empty boxes. Alternatively, open the file in Photoshop; the text usually does not drop out, but double check. Export to TIF: RGB or grayscale color model; minimum resolution is 300 dpi, but there's no reason to export that low unless there's concern about file size (ideally at least 600 dpi for color and grayscale and 1,000 dpi for black and white); LZW compression; IBM PC byte order; “Art Optimized supersampling”  anti-aliasing.

PowerPoint: Save the ppt file as a PDF, and then open that PDF in Photoshop.

PDF: Open in Photoshop. Pick the appropriate dpi, make sure the color mode is appropriate, and save as a TIF file. Check the color settings and convert to the correct working space. RGB or grayscale color model; minimum resolution is 300 dpi, but there's no reason to export that low unless there's concern about file size (ideally at least 600 dpi for color and grayscale and 1,000 dpi for black and white); LZW compression; IBM PC byte order; “Art Optimized supersampling”  anti-aliasing.


Upon opening, keep embedded color profile (change it later).

Clean up

Panel letters should align with each other

Graphs should generally be aligned on their left/bottom axis

Trim excess white from edges using Image/Trim or the Crop tool

Flatten image: Layer/Flatten Image


Check Window/Channels: only Red, Green, and Blue channels should be listed. Delete "Alpha" if it exists.

Image/Mode: Indexed color should not be checked (the exception is thumbnails). 8 bits/channel is the correct bits choice.

Resolution: 300 dpi minimum; ideally at least 600 dpi for grayscale and 1,000 dpi for line (black and white).

Choose the correct color profile (Edit/Convert to Profile): color = Adobe RGB (1998); grayscale (GS) = Dot gain 20%; line (blank and white) figures = Dot Gain but with Bitmap mode (convert using 50% Threshold). Black Point compensation = on; Dither = on.

Save as LZW tiff compression. 

JEM logo

The JEM logo needs to be added to all non-headshot images in JEM front matter and reviews: Insights, Viewpoints, People & Ideas, Found in Translation, Reviews, and Perspectives. The logo file can be found here on Dropbox: Rockefeller University Press/Production/JEM_files_production/Logo for Front Matter Article Images


1. Depending on the figure, you might have to increase the canvas size so there’s enough white space at the bottom. Go to Image/Canvas Size and add a few picas to the bottom. You can trim as needed later. 

2. Open the jem-oneline-rbg LEFT.png file. The overall width should be 11 picas wide, although the width of the actual logo is ~10.4 picas. Adjust the resolution (resample) to match the resolution of the figure. 

3. Paste the logo into the figure in the bottom left corner. Flatten, trim white space, and save as usual.
