Funder tagging


1.     Funding information is extracted from the Acknowledgments section during Mliflow processing.  During review of the copyedited file, compare the Acknowledgments against the funding data tagged at the top of the Word file in the awardgroup paragraph.

2.      Each funder has a DOI. You can find the DOI by using this Crossref tool. In the address bar, enter the funder name after “”. You’ll see results such as


  "searchedName" : "national institutes of health",

  "funder-info" : [


      "suggested" : [


          "isRegistryName" : "true",

          "identifier" : "10.13039/100000002",

          "country" : "United States",

          "prefLabel" : "National Institutes of Health"






  Once you have the DOI,  add it (without the URL prefix) to the awardgroup paragraph, which is located above the authorcontribution paragraph in the Word file. Apply the awardrecipient character style.  



a)     List funders even if there is no corresponding grant number (but query for the grant number)

b)     If the funder cited is part of a bigger organization and the sub-organization has its own DOI, use the sub-organization’s DOI

e.g., use the National Cancer Institute's own DOI, not with the National Institutes of Health DOI

c)      If the sub-organization does not have a DOI, tag the parent organization with its DOI

e.g., “Financial support was provided by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013)/ European Research Council grant agreement 61723.” There is no DOI for the Seventh Framework Program, so just the ERC's DOI should be used.

d)       List every institution that is noted as providing funding support, even if it is not directly related to an author. When in doubt, list it.


When tagged properly, funder data will display in its own Tagged Funding Data section toward the top of the article in PFX.


a) This section is not editable by the author. If the author has any changes, they should leave a comment, but you can edit it by using the tools provided.

b) If funders/grant numbers are removed, changed, or added, you must update the Tagged Funding Data section. The Acknowledgments text is separate from the Funding Data section; simply changing the text in the Acknowledgments will not update the funding data.

Corrections and resupplies

Funding Data

There is no need to run a formal correction for funding data updates. An XML resupply with properly tagged new funding data is sufficient. In addition to adding the text to the Acknowledgments, the funding institution/grant(s) need to be added/edited in the funding-group section of the XML: 

  <funding-group specific-use="FundRef">




       <institution>National Institutes of Health</institution>

       <institution-id institution-id-type="DOI"








   <funding-group specific-use="FundRef">




       <institution>U.S. Department of Education</institution>

       <institution-id institution-id-type="DOI"







When an article is resupplied to Silverchair, new metadata is sent to Crossref regardless of the status (whether the issue is closed or not), so Crossref Funding Data will be updated accordingly, which is our main concern.

Article resupplies are also sent to PMC by TnQ. The article on PMC will not otherwise be updated in any way.

There is no need to run a correction. 

Ask Camille or Rob to edit the PubMed metadata via the PubMed Data Manager.