Preflight - SJS screening phase 1

As you should all know by now, SJS will be taking over the primary screening of figures. As a starting point, a manual SJS screening workflow is now live for JCB. Below is a summary of the workflow so we have it all in one place:


After receiving final files, Lindsey will FTP files to SJS:


User: djs_deliv

Password: kmj5431


                Zip file naming:


SJS will screen images (note that they will not check for dupes). A response email will be sent with the subject line indicating success or failure. The address will be cc’d so that the email becomes a part of the EJP record.


Lindsey will forward the email to the appropriate SE who will assess the report and decide if the article needs additional internal preflight.


On the decision screen, the SE will see radio buttons allowing them to indicate whether further preflight is needed.


Until this workflow is automated, all articles will be assigned to a PFE as usual. When the PFE opens the record in JPS, there will be a  note on the metadata screen indicating whether preflight is needed:

·         If preflight is required, PFE proceeds as usual and should perform a complete preflight of all figures, including dupe checking.

·         If preflight is not required, PFE needs to download files and close the Preflight task immediately after so that the article proceeds to Image Editing.


If any screening or revisions are needed later in the production process, PEs and CEs should proceed as normal – all such work will be performed internally.


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.