PlanS Funder workflows

Below are three categories of PlanS funders. Note that Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) is the allowance by the funder for the author to deposit their author accepted manuscript to meet OA compliance rules. 

1. Funders who will pay for publication in transformative journals or RRS is acceptable


The following Plan S participants may pay for OA publication (funding can be to any author).

The Plan S participants that fall under this category are

2. Funders who will not pay OA fees, but will accept RRS

The following Plan S participants will not pay for the article to be published in our journals.


The Plan S participants that fall under this category are

3. Funders who will pay the APC but do not accept RRS


The following Plan S participants may pay the OA fee (funding can be to any author).


The Plan S participants that fall under this category are


For updates see

To see the above table with OA Switchboard participation direct to funder invoicing notes see this internal Google sheet.