Changing Green to Gold

When an author wants to change their license type from Green to Gold after publication, or after it's too late to change the metadata file because the proof was created, follow the instructions below.


Not only does the free_to_read date need to be changed, but the RUPress proprietary license needs to be removed and the CC license needs to be CC-By rather than CC-By-NC-SA. In addition, the PMC release delay processing instruction needs to be added. The <permissions> element should become 


                <?release-delay 0|0?>

                <copyright-statement>&#xa9; 2018 AUTHOR et al.</copyright-statement>


                <ali:free_to_read xmlns:ali="" />

                <license license-type="open-access"> 

                    <ali:license_ref xmlns:ali="" ></ali:license_ref>

                    <license-p>This article is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International, as described at <ext-link xlink:href="" ext-link-type="uri"></ext-link>).</license-p>




Note below what has been removed from the original Green XML:

<ali:free_to_read xmlns:ali="" start_date="2019-02-03"/><license><ali:license_ref xmlns:ali="" ></ali:license_ref><ali:license_ref xmlns:ali="" specific-use="vor" start_date="2019-02-03"></ali:licen


The copyright statement need to change to

This article is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International, as described at 

Make sure the layout of the main text doesn't shift as a result of the shorter copyright statement. 


JPS needs to be updated to reflect these changes. Edit the metadata fields:

Open Acces: Gold

Copyright: CC-BY

OA for Billing: Gold (this serves to ensure that when an invoice is created,  the system will check for deal eligibility)

If the change is being made to a published article, after the above changes have been made, re-trigger the data to OA Switchboard. This is done via Tasks/Advanced Manuscript Tasks/Send Updated Metadata to OAS.


Make sure that the finance department is aware of this. They need to apply the deal from the Generate Invoice screen.


Please also request that the managing editor of the journal obtain a new form from the authors indicating Gold licensing.