Read and Publish Deal Configuration

Deal Children Spreadsheet

Prepare a spreadsheet of ROR ID and ROR labels for organizations that will be associated with each new deal that includes children. The sheets are stored on Dropbox. Start with the template sheet 'AAATEMPLATE.xlsx'


1. Map sub orgs to parent org:

2.   Add Org Admin

If the organization does not want an Admin, we will add one of our own. This is done by adding an alias to the account. This step must be done by Rob.

3. Configuring a Deal

Read & Publish Deals

Deal or child  expiration

Dates are checked in JPS at all eligibility checks, so if a deal is expired, the author will never see it as an option. However, that is not the same for a child. e.g., if the JISC deal is still active, but one of the organizations does not renew, the child needs to be removed from the configuration.  Be sure to also update the Deal Children sheet.