Billing on Acceptance


Upon submission, the corresponding author (CA) is indicated as usual, and that author’s current institution is validated with a ROR ID. There is now an additional question:

Affiliation: Is the above address for this author different than the affiliation at the time of the research reported in this manuscript?

After clicking yes, a new line appears:

Manuscript affiliation organization:
Followed by a new validation process for that institution 

License and Deal Eligibility 

The current address ROR is associated with the person record. The affiliation ROR is associated with the manuscript. The affiliation ROR is used for deal eligibility. If none exists, then the current address ROR is used. 

After Accept with Minor Revision, the CA is invited to complete our license form. At that time, the system checks deal eligibility by matching the ROR ID to those configured in our deals. If there is a match, the author is told they are part of a deal, and will have the opportunity to opt-out of the deal (as requested by Max Planck). Below are the options that will be presented to the author, with the first option selected by default. Unfortunately, the system is unable to display the specific deal at this time.

When an article’s status is AWMR, Miguel receives a report the following morning giving him the opportunity to reach out to potential deal institutions (i.e., JISC) prior to billing the author. 


Upon preflight acceptance (which is the minute the manuscript is sent to production in most cases), invoices will be automatically sent to the author, and the deal admin (currently Miguel for all deals) will be CC'd.

Early invoicing

If an author needs to be invoiced before the preflight is complete, we can do so manually using the Generate Invoice and Record Payment task. If fees have not yet been generated, simply click Edit Metadata->Save and the fees will be calculated. Anytime the metadata screen is saved the system will look at the metadata and recalculate/calculate fees.

Change of invoice recipient to institution/librarian

An author is able to change the bill to address when they receive their invoice. If they request this in advance of billing (before preflight completion) we can do it as follows:


We can now add waivers in EJP using the Set/Modify Production Data Advanced Manuscript Task. These display as “Ad Hoc Discounts” (which is a bit of a misnomer). The discounts are configured in JPS, but selectable in EJP. They are currently set as $500, $1000, or $1500.

If a waiver is requested and granted before acceptance, Sarah will need to email the managing editor who can add the waiver. When auto-billed, the waiver will show on the invoice.

If a waiver is requested and granted after invoicing, Sarah can manually generate and re-send a new invoice.

If a waiver is requested and granted after acceptance but before auto-invoicing, the waiver can be added as usual.

Split Invoices

If authors wish to split an invoice, they will need to make that request after they receive their initial invoice via instruction and email link on the invoice.

Secondary Invoices

If authors order reprints, print issues, or posters when returning their proofs, a second invoice will be auto-generated. The advantage of the separate invoice is that it’s cleaner for funders paying APCs directly.


New fields have been added to report builder. Those include:

·        CA current ROR ID

·        CA Article Affiliation ROR ID

Down the Road

The following are targeted for development in the coming months:

·        Multiple ROR IDs for CA affiliations

·        ROR IDs for all author affiliations