EJP Transfers

Transfers Offers

Author consultation opt-out question, with pop-up

Authors must answer the consultation opt-out question at submission, at the bottom of the Detailed Information screen:

* Transfers

Once a paper is no longer under consideration at JGP, it can be automatically transferred to our open-access journal Life Science Alliance (LSA). Prior to offering transfer, JGP editors may consult on the suitability of a manuscript in order to provide authors with a firm commitment from LSA. Please indicate below if you would like to opt-out of having your manuscript considered for transfer. Opting-out of transfer will not impact your editorial consideration by JGP.

X Yes, consult regarding internal transfer options

_ No, do not consult regarding internal transfer options


The default selection is 'Yes'. If the author chooses 'No', the following pop-up appears:

Clicking "Yes, allow consultation" will close the pop-up and change the selection to "Yes, consult regarding internal transfer options". "Cancel" simply closes the pop-up.

Decision Screen

When a decision is made on a manuscript, SEs select a decision:

·         Reject and Refer

·         Reject and Refer without Review

Then in the section "For reject and referral decisions, select the specific journal(s):"

LSA can be selected alone, but whenever an external journal is selected, LSA must also be chosen (and if there is more than one external journal, as in the case of JCB, all should be selected.)

Once the decision is submitted, the decision letter template opens, and the editor places the transfer offer text (or other placeholder text) into the letter and completes the decision.

LSA offers

Consultation Opt-outs

If the author opted out of consultation, there is no Shared View Referral. A separate decision letter is used that offers transfer with no mention of consultation.

Consultation opt-ins

If LSA was selected as a transfer option by the editors *AND* the authors have opted-in to consultation, Shared View Referral automatically opens with the same timing rules as JEM and JCB and the same alerts/letters/etc. and the article moves to the Shared View Referral folder on JGP.

The manuscript now appears in LSA's Shared View Referrals Received folder.
The LSA editor should also have the ability to open an SVR consult with LSA AEs.

 LSA offer without consultation

If the editor wishes to offer transfer to LSA without consultation for any reason, choose a non-referral decision (e.g., Reject) and add a note to the decision letter to the effect "we didn't consult with LSA but we think you should transfer there". NOTE that you must also select LSA as a transfer option in order for the author to see it as a transfer option on the transfer offers screen.

LSA Decision

When LSA makes a decision and adds comments, the article automatically moves into the Decisions Ready for Author folder on JGP.

For Rejections that were previously reviewed, the JGP Managing Editor then edits the decision letter's text to reflect LSA's offer (or remove that text if LSA declines the transfer) and sends the letter to the authors. The link to the transfer page is included.

For EdRejects (Reject and Refer without review), the LSA offer is automatically added to the decision letter if LSA accepts the offer.

Author transfer screen: Consultation Opt-In


When the author has opted-in to consultation with other journals:

If the JGP editor selected both LSA and Phys. Reports on the decision screen and LSA accepts the offer, LSA becomes the Priority Transfer choice on the author transfer page, with Phys. Reports listed under "Transfer Options", as on JCB

If the JGP editor selected both LSA and Phys. Reports on the decision screen and LSA declines the offer, only the "Transfer Options" section appears, with Phys Reports listed there.

If the JGP editor selected only LSA, the "Transfer Options" section does not appear.


Author Transfer Screen: Consultation Opt-out

When the author has opted-out of consultation with other journals:

If the author opted-out of consultation with other journals on submission, The is no Priority Transfer option and LSA is placed in the "Transfer Options" section.


If the author chooses to transfer to LSA, we use the same mechanism and file types we do for JCB and JEM articles.

If the author chooses to transfer to Physiological Reports, who are on ScholarOne, the transfer must be done via ftp.

Note: My understanding is that the APS journals are currently transferring articles from EJP to ScholarOne. Can we use the same spec as them? If so, can you share that? Otherwise, the same files should be transferred as we are currently transferring for JCB MECA transfers to MBoC and J Cell Sci.

Files should be FTP'd to:

Server:  xfer.wiley.com
username:  Journal_of_General_Physiology
Password: Va6cbMUt
Only SFTP and HTTPS protocols allowed

An email alert should then be sent to physiologicalreports@wiley.com preferable with:

Subject: Manuscript Transfer to Physiological Reports” <JGP ms number>


In the body:

Corresponding Author's Full Name:
Corresponding Author's Email Address
Previous Manuscript ID No. (from rejecting journal)
<JGP ms number>


Reviewer Identity

When submitting the review, the reviewer form should include an opt-out question for revealing reviewer identity:

JGP gives authors the option of having reviewer comments and identities confidentially transferred to another journal, including those outside of RUP. If you do NOT want your identity to be transferred, please indicate below:

Yes, my identity can be transferred to another journal office
No, my identity cannot be transferred to another journal office


If the reviewer opts in, the identity can be sent to the downstream journal with the comments.

If the reviewer opts out, the comments should be sent anonymously.