Linked article types

There are multiple linked article types in EJP/JPS, as defined below. Please note that when asked for a status update for any linked articles that are being held for its sibling, always refer the author to the executive editor.  

Companions: Co-submitted articles that must be published at the same time. This link type prevents one article from being published before the other. 

Competing: Papers that are on a similar topic and deemed “Competing” by the editors. This information is confidential to RUP staff only. Competing articles should be published at the same time; this link type prevents one article from being published before the other.

Grouped With: Articles that should appear in the same issue but do not need to be published at the same time. There will be a warning if the production editor moves one article out of the issue. This link type has no impact on actual publication of the articles.

Addendum, Correction, Retraction: Self-explanatory.

Commentary to Article, In Focus to Article, Insights to Article, ITI to Article, Research News to Article, Essay to Article, Spotlight to Article: Self-explanatory; note that the parent research article always needs to be published before or at the same time as the accompanying piece. These link types will prevent the commentary/news from being published before its research article.

Cover Image: The article associated with the cover image.