Issue close



About a week before closing, the hard copy of the cover comes in the mail from Sheridan Journal Services (SJS). Erinn checks the covers. She checks to be sure the journal name, issue date, volume, etc. are correct, and completes the task in JPS.

Issue order, TOC images, and caption legends

The managing/executive editor orders issue content on the issue build screen, locks the order, and alerts the PE that the issue is closed. Editorial will email their choices for TOC images (Sylvia for JEM, Marie Anne for JCB, and Meighan for JGP), the legends for these images, and the cover image caption, which you’ll place on the first page of the TOC.

Issue article list

Once the issue is closed, send an email to your journal’s SJS production editor (CC RUP_Specialist <>) with a list of all the articles (by manuscript number) that will be in the issue.

Make sure you have your ads and press runs

Before the issue closes, you will receive an email from Cunningham saying that the ad lineup has been finalized. All of the ads appear in a Google doc (links below). This lineup lists the ads for that particular issue of the journal, the information about the ad (size, type, etc.), the ad position (i.e., C2 [cover 2] or OTC1 [opposite table of contents page 1]), and the artwork info, which includes the ad number. If an ad is missing a number, contact Sati/SJS.

You also need to have the final press run (how many copies of the issue will be printed); this information comes from Greg Malar (you may have to email him to remind him). There is a box on the issue build screen to input this number.

Closing the issue in JPS

When closing your issue, you should look at previous issues (either in JPS or print copies) for reference. There are two major steps to closing, each with smaller parts:

When it’s time to close the issue, the articles should already be in order and the placeholders for the cover, cover ads, TOC, and mastheads will already be there. You have to drag and drop any other necessary placeholders from the inventory to the issue (usually just ads). You will need to unlock the issue before you can add more placeholders.


All of the ads are updated in a Google doc, separated by journal and house ads (links below).

1. House ads

2. JCB ads

3. JEM ads

4. JGP ads

From the issue build screen, open the placeholders link above the inventory. Drag an ad placeholder for each ad into the issue based on the lineup provided in the run sheets. Each placeholder ad has to have the correct information added to the metadata so that SJS knows which ad to replace it with. To do this:

You need to assign a page count for all front matter except cover ads. JCB usually has a TOC of three pages, JEM varies between two and three pages, and JGP is usually one page. The front matter in the issue build screen looks like this:

House ads will have to be used if the total number of pages is not divisible by 4 (wait until after applying pagination to see whether you need to include more house ads).

Note that the masthead must be the first item in the issue and must have a right (odd) page start. 

The first article of an issue must also have a right page start. Everything else can start left or right, directly following the previous item.

Apply pagination

Before this step, you should be sure that all of the final page counts are correct (compare the last RP in JPS with the final count in the issue build screen for each article). Also ensure that all front matter (except cover ads) has a page count.

Please note that page numbers are not used in our continuous publication workflow. However, the issue must be paginated in JPS, starting with page 1 for the first FM article, before checking the total page count. 

Pagination needs to be divisible by 4 for print. You can see the total page count if you select “Show Details”; the number is highlighted in yellow in the Final box. Add house ads or ask Sati for additional ads as needed to make the final page count divisible by 4. Blank pages can be used if you run out of ads to get the page count correct, but use them sparingly.


1. Images

You should have your list of TOC images for the issue, along with their legends and the cover caption, from Editorial. The list will include the manuscript number, figure number within that manuscript, and panel within that figure. Crop the panel from the rest of the figure, remove any text, arrows, scale bars, etc. Size the image to 15 picas; these images should be at least 300 dpi. These files should be named <journal><volume><issue>toc.f<figurenumber>.tif (e.g., JEM2153toc.f1.tif). These should be numbered according to the order the articles appear in the issue build screen. The first figure in the TOC is always the cover image thumbnail, provided by Erinn in the JPS Cover folder (Cover Figure TIF).

2. TOC.indd template

The template is located on Box (JEM_files_production\TEMPLATES, JGP_files\TEMPLATES, or JCB_files_production\TEMPLATES). The template has spaces for the images (insert the images you have created using CTRL + D) and the corresponding legends and DOI for each TOC image. The images will be placed at the correct width, but the images you place may be a different height. In INDD, click on the image with the white arrowhead to see if there is a brown box of different height from the blue box. If the boxes are different heights, right click the image and select Fitting/Fit Frame to Content; then make sure the figure is still correctly aligned at the top, and adjust the location of the caption below accordingly. Edit these captions before copying and pasting them into the INDD file.  A line that reads “Image © Author et al., 2020" followed by the full DOI URL (e.g.,” should appear underneath each caption. 

3. Adding text to the template

To create the actual text for the template, click on Generate TOC at the top of the issue build screen. Click on Save as RTF, located in the top left corner. 

***Create a “JPS Import” preset before you import the RTF file into the template. The import is the same for all three journals. Instructions are below in the TOC Import Preset PDF.

You can import the RTF directly into the template. Place cursor in text frame on Page > Ctrl D (place) > Choose the rtf you want to import > Make sure Show Import options is on > Choose “JPS Import” > Click OK. Make sure that there is not text style selected or all text will be formatted in that style. Character styles should be set to “none.” Click Alt + paragraph style when styling.

Tag paragraph styles as follows: Section/Article type = doctype (Section); eLocator and Title, separated by a tab = Article_Title; Authors = Authors. Apply style Cover Legend for all image captions if needed.

Fill in the Volume/Issue/Date info in the right hand column (paragraph style is “Vol/No/Mo/Yr”). This is included in the RTF for reference. 

Once you import the RTF, be sure to clean up the text. Delete any info you don’t need, usually something like this: Report: Table of Contents (The Journal of Experimental Medicine)/Generated 03‑26‑2013; The Journal of Experimental Medicine/Volume 210; Number 7; 07‑01‑2013. Delete any empty paragraphs. For JEM, section headings Commentaries, Reviews, Reports/Brief Definitive Reports, and Corrections should be made singular if only one title is listed (i.e., if the article type is singular in the top right corner of the article PDF, it should be singular in the TOC if only one title is listed).

Make a note of any math and special characters. Make sure they stay after you apply the paragraph style or that you fix them manually. Read article titles and author names for possible problems and insert soft returns (shift + enter) as needed to make titles look good and have more than one word on the last line.

4. Make PDF and send to managing/exec editor for approval

JEM: Approval from Teo (CC Sylvia)

JGP: Approval from Meighan

JCB: Approval from Melina and Tim

5. Back to issue build screen

Ensure that the TOC is the same number of pages that you estimated when adding placeholders to the issue build screen. If not, adjust accordingly. Make sure that the total page count is still divisible by 4. Add filler as needed.

Generate closing memo and create TOC package

Once all of the previously listed tasks have been completed, click on Generate Closing Memo, at the top of the issue build screen. An html version of the closing memo will be created in a new screen. Click on Download Table to Excel. An excel file will be created.  Click Generate Issue XML/Build XML. An XML file will be created; this file sets the issue order on the Silverchair TOCs.  Make sure the press run from Greg is included. This excel file and the issue XML should be placed in the packaged TOC folder. Do not add “packaged” or “folder” to the TOC packaged files. JPS will reject them. Once the packaged file and zip file are created, uncheck the placeholder box in the metadata, upload the zip file, and Take Task to send it to SJS.

Business and editorial mastheads

The most recently updated editorial and business mastheads are located on Box (in the folder eProduction\JEM_news\Mastheads, JGP_files\JGP FM\2018 Masts, or JCB_news\Masthead files as journal_vol_issue.mast and journal_vol_issue.busmast. The folders are prepackaged by Erinn. Much of the time, you will be reusing the same file as the previous issue, but you should always check with Erinn or check the masthead and business masthead records in JPS, since she will add a sticky to indicate a change. If there are no changes from the previous issue, you can just change the volume and issue in the file names for the .indd and .pdf files. Create zip files of each of these folders and then for each masthead:


SJS will send the binder.pdf the day after you send the TOC package. This is a proof of the covers, front material, and spine. Download the binder PDF from JPS and review it to make sure that ads are in the correct order and that the TOC is correct and error free. Send the binder PDF to Katie and Charlie at Cunningham for Katie to check the ads. You do not need to send the binder to Cunningham if there were no paid ads in the issue. If there are any problems, email SJS detailing what the problem is. They will have to send you any revisions outside of JPS. Once Katie approves the ads and you approve the rest, complete the task in JPS.


After the binder is approved, SJS will send you the final proof of the entire issue (called the bluelines). In an email, you will be provided a link to check the proofs online. You have to check the cover and the content separately. This should be a final quality check, and you should not be making any editing corrections at this time. Just make sure all of the pages appear in the correct order and look for any large mistakes (like missing text or figures, problems with running footers, or templates, or info appearing out of order).

If there is a problem that needs to be fixed, write an email to your SJS production editor and Jane Baker. Also indicate in their system that revisions are needed. They will send you revised bluelines for your approval.

Once the bluelines are approved, indicate this by checking the approval box in their system and write your name in. Then reply all to the bluelines email indicating that the bluelines are approved.


Once the bluelines are approved, SJS/TnQ will post the issue XML and issues assets to Silverchair. One this is posted it automatically and immediately  goes live, ordering the existing TOC and adding the current cover and other assets. This will NOT close the issue. When you want to close the issue you must click "Close" in zipline. Doing so will remove the "In Progress" label from the TOC, make that issue the "current issue" on the home page, and trigger the new issue email alert.  Remember that in a continuous publication workflow, articles are not resupplied at closing and do not need to be checked at that time.
