Graphical Abstracts

A graphical abstract is an image specially curated from the authors to visually depict the abstract text. It serves as an auxiliary image, separate and distinct from other figures and tables associated with the article. 

Graphical abstracts will only appear online, not in the PDF, and authors are not required to provide one. 

Authors will submit graphical abstracts via EJP along with their other files, and the graphical abstract file will transfer over to JPS. Like figures, authors will be required to submit an image that is 300 dpi or higher. Authors will be able to submit it in various formats (tif, jpg, eps, etc.), but preflight will convert it to a .tif file. Preflight will handle graphical abstracts like regular figures. There is no need to size graphical abstracts since they are not appearing in the PDF.  

The file naming convention is JXX_201XXXXX_GA.tif. There can be only one graphical abstract per article, so this file will not be numbered.

If the article has a graphical abstract, you'll see that object type in the Files tab in JPS. It will download with the rest of the production files at the Copyediting task, and it must be uploaded along with all of the other copyedited files when you complete your Copyediting task. 

Although you're not responsible for sizing graphical abstracts, you should copyedit the file just as you do with other figures - make sure there are no typos and everything looks good.

3B2 will ignore the graphical abstract. The graphical abstract will only display in PFX.